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Asymmetric Investment Returns

How is the Scientific Method used for Investment Management? Thumbnail

How is the Scientific Method used for Investment Management?

The scientific method is a systematic process used to gather knowledge and test hypotheses through observation, experimentation, and analysis. In investment portfolio management, the scientific method can be applied to improve decision-making, manage risk, and enhance returns.

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Resting on One's Laurels: Definition, Consequences, and Strategies to Avoid It Thumbnail

Resting on One's Laurels: Definition, Consequences, and Strategies to Avoid It

Becoming complacent and basking in past success is a problem for active investment managers, driven by constant discussions of past performance. Every new potential investor primarily asks what we've done in the past, when they should instead focus on how we did it, and if the strategies, tactics, and performances seem likely to repeat in the future.

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Is the U.S. Stock Market Overvalued?  Thumbnail

Is the U.S. Stock Market Overvalued?

Is the stock market overvalued or undervalued? If it's overvalued, and we want asymmetric investment returns through asymmetric risk/reward to manage or mitigate market risks, we must instead focus on the direction of the price trends to determine our exit early in the stage of downtrends and/or asymmetric hedging.

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Is Luck a Big Factor in Success?  Thumbnail

Is Luck a Big Factor in Success?

The role of luck in success is a subject of considerable debate among scholars, entrepreneurs, and investors. While success is often attributed to hard work, talent, and perseverance, there is growing recognition of the role that luck can play. Here are several perspectives on how luck intersects with success

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