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Asymmetric Investment Returns

Asymmetric Investment Returns is a blog authored by Mike Shell since 2006, covering topics about asymmetric investing and trading for asymmetric risk/reward in pursuit of asymmetry. 

The Fed FOMC Meeting and the Illusion of Asymmetric Insight Thumbnail

The Fed FOMC Meeting and the Illusion of Asymmetric Insight

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), which sets U.S. monetary policy by adjusting interest rates, unanimously voted to keep the fed funds rate in the 4.25%–4.5% range in March. The most notable change in the post-meeting statement was the addition of a new clause: “Uncertainty around the economic outlook has increased.” It's an illusion of asymmetric insight.

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The Stock Market Risk/Reward Asymmetry Has Shifted  Thumbnail

The Stock Market Risk/Reward Asymmetry Has Shifted

The stock market is a constant battle between buying pressure and selling pressure, and recently, that battle has shifted in a meaningful way. After a strong rally earlier in the year, we’ve now seen a notable change in the risk/reward asymmetry. Markets don’t move in a straight line, and shifts in trend strength often signal the potential for new opportunities—or new risks.

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Global Fixed Income Divergences and Asymmetric Positioning Opportunities Thumbnail

Global Fixed Income Divergences and Asymmetric Positioning Opportunities

The global fixed-income landscape is at a key inflection point, with notable divergences emerging across major bond markets. While U.S. Treasury yields show signs of trend exhaustion, other developed market bonds are stabilizing at key technical levels. These shifts create asymmetric opportunities for tactical investors who focus on structuring trades with predefined downside risk and significant upside potential.

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