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Asymmetric Investment Returns

Asymmetric Investment Returns is a blog authored by Mike Shell since 2006, covering topics about asymmetric investing and trading for asymmetric risk/reward in pursuit of asymmetry. 

Asymmetric Risk/Reward is More Than Just Buying Undervalued Stocks Thumbnail

Asymmetric Risk/Reward is More Than Just Buying Undervalued Stocks

Many investors believe they are pursuing asymmetric opportunities when they buy stocks they think are undervalued or have more upside than downside. But true asymmetry isn’t just about perceived valuation gaps—it’s about structuring risk in a way that limits the downside while allowing for uncapped or asymmetric upside.

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Communication Services are in an Uptrend  Thumbnail

Communication Services are in an Uptrend

In analyzing the Communication Services Select Sector Index for asymmetric risk-reward, the chart illustrates recent strength as the price has pushed beyond the upper boundary of the upward channel. This breakout signifies robust buying interest, though it may also indicate the index is overextended.

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