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Asymmetric Investment Returns

Citi Panic Euphoria Model Remains Elevated Thumbnail

Citi Panic Euphoria Model Remains Elevated

We actively monitor several investor sentiment gauges that indicate how optimistic or pessimistic investors are about the stock market. One of the sentiment indicators we monitor is the Citigroup Panic/Euphoria Model. When it reaches an extreme, I comment on it here.

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Implied Volatility is Often Overstated Relative to Realized Volatility  Thumbnail

Implied Volatility is Often Overstated Relative to Realized Volatility

The Cboe Implied VIX Index is a measure of expected future "implied" volatility. The Cboe® Realized Volatility Index is designed to indicate the magnitude of actual realized daily price movements by measuring the annualized standard deviation in the daily price return of an underlying over a specific period.

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