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Asymmetric Investment Returns

Asymmetric Investment Returns is a blog authored by Mike Shell since 2006, covering topics about asymmetric investing and trading for asymmetric risk/reward in pursuit of asymmetry. 

Why "It Hasn't Happened in 100 Years" Doesn't Mean It Won't Happen: The Case of Milton and Tampa Bay Thumbnail

Why "It Hasn't Happened in 100 Years" Doesn't Mean It Won't Happen: The Case of Milton and Tampa Bay

As Hurricane Milton approaches Tampa Bay, it’s crucial to break free from the false belief that long stretches without an event mean safety. While it’s comforting to think that the past protects us, probability tells a different story. Each year carries its own risk, and the fact that Tampa Bay hasn’t had a direct hit in over a century doesn’t mean one isn’t coming.

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When Probability Conflicts with Robust Risk Management Thumbnail

When Probability Conflicts with Robust Risk Management

Probability theory is a powerful tool that helps us understand the likelihood of events. However, when it comes to managing risks in real life—whether in finance, business, or disaster preparedness—simply understanding the probabilities of events isn't enough. Robust risk management often focuses on preparing for worst-case scenarios, not just the most likely ones. Here’s why pure probability sometimes conflicts with smart risk management.

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Today's VIX Futures Term Structure: A Contango with Insights Thumbnail

Today's VIX Futures Term Structure: A Contango with Insights

As of today, the VIX futures term structure reveals an ongoing contango condition, as seen in the chart. The front month (October) futures contract is priced at 20.95, higher than the VIX Index (spot VIX) at 20.78. As we look further out in the curve, futures for November through May decline initially, bottoming out around December, and then start rising again, though still lower than the October contract.

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